Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Good Hair (2009 Dir. Jeff Stilson) Quick Review

Chris Rock has always been one of my favorite comedians of all time. If you expected me to define him in a different category because of his color-then your sadly mistaken. I believe that all humans should not be classified or defined by race, religion or sexual preference. We may come from different backgrounds,  raised into different culture; but at heart we are all humans and we should never forget that fact! Good Hair is the first time Rock has been involved on a production of a documentary. I pray Rock continues in this area as this ranks very highly as some of the best work in his career (so far).

The film opens with a question from Rock's daughter : 'Daddy why don't i have good hair?'. So what is Good Hair? Ever heard of relaxer? Have you had your hair weaved? If so, go and grab a copy as soon as possible-as this will change what you do to your hair forever. Or will it? Rock interviews celebrities, regular people in barbershops, hair conventions and even people in the hair industry. The findings are both comical, honest and truly shocking! Good Hair stands as one of the most important American documentaries to be made in some time. It addresses so many themes and subjects in it's ninety minute duration that i will not have time to address here. If you thought that drug addiction was a big issue, hair addiction is basically on the same level. Regular people on warfare spending $1000+ for a haircut- like one of their idols reveals the power of the media. However, the most shocking fact raised in the film is that of the damage these hair products can do. Burns & pollution of your lungs are just some to name a few.

The sad thing is, the majority of people will still keep doing this to their hair. Their ignorance and most importantly their dependence of getting this style to boost their self-esteem is brutally disturbing and ultimately, profoundly sad. All though the film isn't perfect. The hair battles overstay their welcome, but this movie will make you laugh, gasp and hopefully make you want to make a change for the better.

Tim Porter

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